Friday, March 13, 2009


today is friday..quite in the studio even though everyone is here. my mind is buzzing with new ideas, one of those weeks when your body isnt able to keep up with your mind..maybe thats age!
i am thinking that by next friday i will have some of my ideas crafted and up on my website.....keep looking!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

no tripod...oh my!!!!!

what happens if your tripod goes on a sleepover the day you are going to take photo's?????? impervise!!!!! got some supper silly pics......i did get some shots although i got some pretty horrid ones as's some to give you a giggle!!!!! check out my shop for the ones that made the cut.

Friday, March 6, 2009

picnic lunch!!!!!

the sun was shining today...full on blue sky, it was like spring decided to pop in and say hello (it is soposed to snow tomarrow, so it was a short hi!) i am in the process of redoing some pics for my etsy shop. i had every intention of photographing a new owl pin for the shop but my sun has shoot in the am so check out ifeltfine tomarrow afternoon. the studio did take advantage of the spring like weather and had a picnic lunch on our front porch........cheese, chocolate, bread, apples and a vegi "dip" that looked like cat food but was soooooo yummy!!!! all of this was provided by our next door office buddy (thanks less!!!)......acording to him we cant live on just coffee and smokes!!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

who needs a felted ball?????? im sending them and 2 felted ferries to the qween charlotte islands tomarrow....after coffee!!!!
indurducing roxy aka bubba or depending on bad behaviour roxy o'brien, spoken in the sturnest voice i can muster (i have a soft voice...not overly effective!) this pic was taken during studio cleaning day......

This picture is where I take my pics for etsy, and one half of my studio space.