Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Good Morning Jodi, nope didn't think the first message creepy, although the second had a twinge of stalker to it!!!! Good Morning to everyone else! I haven't written about the felt crisis because frankly I thought someplace on this island I would be able to find cheep felt to back my art. Nope. I have found the scary synthetic felt at the dollar store, I have found expensive industerial grade black felt at the "everything" store. I have gone to the "craft" store....nope, nope and nope! If I had a mission statement for my art (I don't) it would state that I am recycling, using found objects, using items that would be deemed to small or irregular or not good enough to use. I am using these unwanted things to make something wonderful. Soooooooo, I am off to do just that.....I am making this art thing up as I go, nobody has told me I have to use felt to back my art, so why am I hung up on this detail? I am going to find something that isnt typically used for such a purpose..something cheep...I am putting on my think outside the box I go, off to downtown to solve my problem.

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