Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Travel dilemma....

Hi Fraya!!!!! O.k. here a moment of fly by the seat of my pants, take life and live it to the fullest, don't worry about the details, things are bond to work out "moment"....I now find myself in a wee dilemma. Simon's illness this spring set me back over 2 thousand dollars (I may have barfed in my mouth a bit) I now find myself on an island with a cat a dog a ton of art no car no driver's licence no job no income......Sooooo plan A: involves selling a whole bunch of art in the next month and a half, enough to ship the furbies and me home...possible..not sure. Plan B: meet someone in the next month and a half who would like to drive me and the furbies and all the art fingers are crossed. Plan c: Get a job on island for the winter and save enough (after rent) to fly me art and furbies home in the spring....oh god I hope not!!! If I sell enough art to get home (yehhhh) that means that I will have no art for the art show I have booked in Oct. (not ideal) There is also the issue of not having a home or job to come home to....ohhhh this was not a well thought out plan...I refuse to panic, I will not panic!!!!! I just need to believe that I am along for the ride...just wish I had a better idea of the game plan. Don't worry Fraya...somehow some way I will arrive on your door step!!!!

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