Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nov 18th

O.K so I am in melt down goes. I am scared, terrified actually. Why you ask...I think I am scared at the possibility of success. I looked at the web sights given to me at the and my goodness they are actual stores with amazing things...artists real live artizens.....and people thought I was at that level.....good god!!!!?????!!!!!! I am a waitress who in my off time sits in a mound of buttons and scraps of material with my glue gun....this is crazy. I feel as if I am at a cross roads.....take me and my art and start promoting, putting myself out thair in this crazy world allowing people to make comments..both good and bad. I thought I had been doing this, however I realize...not at all! I have been sheltered and protected in Nelson...and the big wide world is scary! I am not a trained fiber artist, I am not a trained anything artist. I have been creating because I love it and now others love it as well sooooooooo I will do this art thing...I AM doing this art thing but just to let you know it scares the pants off me (or skirt, depending on the day!) I feel like having a coffee and chat with my friend Fraya dreaming of the possibility of my stuff being bought and it is becoming more real I feel very lost and overwhelmed!!!!!!! This IS very wonderful and fantastic and tomorrow I wont feel so lost....but today I am crawling under the covers to pretend I am not an emerging artist.
Hugs and smiles


  1. Hi Crazy Lady,

    Don't be scared of success - as long as you are enjoying creating you are a success - it's such a bonus that other people also love your creations - at some point you may have to take the plunge into 'marketing yourself' but that's o.k too - just another adventure and it sounds like Fraya will be so good this upcoming year at helping you with the 'marketing' side of things. Love you so much - Sis

  2. be afraid...

    ...then do it anyways!!!

    (you can do it!!)

    globalunderground ♥s ifeltfine
