Monday, November 30, 2009

Nov 30th

'I just awoke from a 4 hour was full on, lights off, all my blanket's pulled up over my head, I'm assuming thair was snoring!!!! 7:30 last night (poor judgment call) I drank a liter of a coffee beverage....kicked quite a punch! I was up most of the night...I did get some owl body's yay, however today...sleep deprived moron!!!! I spent the morning painting a x-mas sign at Brenton's I had to remove myself 5 hours ago as it was heading in the direction of disaster!!! I am going to take a bath, drink a liter of coffee (joking) and resume my painting! Will it get finished tonight? It has will be perfectly imperfect......and no signature lol!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It has to be better than the other scary Christmas sign!!
    I have a great Isadore/poo story for you when we connect next.

