Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nov 3

Nope, absolutly no recall on the code, however a very nice extreamly drunk 12 year old (I might be exagerating) let me in!!!! Not a whole lot of sleep...I think I may have been the only one to read the 'quite between 11 pm and 7 am' sign...I certainly would not have been in line to stop the quite police when they gaged and hog tied everyone and tucked them into bed....however they (the quite police) were nowhare in sight..lol!!!!!! My roomies were quite funny last night (sometime this a.m.) They had the light on, were gathering things up to get ready for bed, in the process rocking the bunk bed so badly I am surprised it didnt tip over (I was in it!) all the while shhhhhhhing one another...it made me laugh (on the inside as I was pretending to be asleep) They found NO humer when my alarm went off at 5 a.m. and the proceeding ruckus to get myself out the door (I do think I should earn points for leaving the light off!!!) It is 5;30 and I am off to find coffee before navigating my way to the bus station....are things open at 5;30? We shall see...talk with you all in Nelson!


  1. how do i post a comment on this bloody thing?!?!?!?

  2. oh - i just figured out how to do it - whoops that wasn't really the comment i meant to post - ok here goes with a real comment. Glad to hear you had such an eventful night - I'm very impressed with you dedication to be blogging at 5:30 AM! Hope you are having a 'lovely' bus ride - huge hugs - love you lots - love YOUR FOLLOWER
