Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day one done...

Day (night) at the music fest is done, I am about to close my eyes but first a blog...The cost of my booth is paid for in owl pin sales!!!!! Lots of really lovely conversation, compliments and inquiries as to the times my booth will be open....all good things....with luck those people will make purchases in the next 2 days...we will see. I hang onto the theory that as long as I sell one piece" every market then it is successful.....truly I am really not a business woman!!!! I had a lady thank me for making art....see...already a wonderful success! Your welcome...thank-you!!

1 comment:

  1. I was so happy to meet you! Perhaps we will meet again (if you are ever in Prince Rupert and need a coffee date or a place to stay...) and hopefully I will be able to buy one of your gorgeous pieces of art...

